What is the 100% Guarantee?

100% of what you raise goes to AIDS Service Organizations in Florida GUARANTEED. You will make a significant difference in the lives of those at risk, infected and affected by HIV/AIDS

You have a degree of control over how your money is distributed:
90% of your funds are divided as follows: 50% is divided amongst all the benefiting agencies; 50% you decide how much and to which agency(s) your money goes (choosing from the agencies benefiting). All benefiting agencies will earmark the money toward direct services and education. To include:

  • Pharmaceutical Care
  • Residential Assistance
  • Psycho Social Services
  • Dental Care
  • Holistic Care
  • Housing
  • Medical Care
  • Prenatal and Child Care
  • Prevention & Education

The remaining 10% goes to the Lifeline (added in 2012 to help your impact go even further):
10% of all your funds are put into a pool, 100% of which is given out. This money is earmarked principally for additional agencies around the state that have needs that are currently not being met through other funding sources. To date over $500,000 has been awarded to additional agencies working with HIV and AIDS.